Leadership Essentials (Online)

Leadership Essentials

In four weeks, get the essential skills and fresh insights needed to improve your decision-making, motivate your team more effectively through better communication, and strengthen your ability to lead and manage organizational change.

For aspiring, new, and mid-level business leaders

Business Analytics (Online): Create Value Through Data Analysis

Business Analytics

In six weeks, gain the foundational insights and impactful tools needed to understand how to effectively sift through and analyze “Big Data” to make better-informed decisions, successfully meet your objectives, and uncover any challenges.

For mid-to senior-level executives

Python for Managers (Online)

Python for Managers

In seven weeks, delve into Python programming for business applications. Learn the fundamental coding skills, data organization, and analysis needed to harness the power of Python. By the end of the program, you will be able to organize, aggregate, and analyze large amounts of data using Python.

For executives at all levels

Macroeconomics for Executives

Macroeconomics for Executives

In ten weeks, discover how to improve your strategic decision-making in today's global economy and steer your organization toward a brighter future. Learn to utilize the Macro Scenario Playbook for strategic decision-making, understanding global risks, and identifying growth opportunities.

For executives at all levels

Corporate Valuation (Online)

Corporate Valuation

In seven weeks, enhance your financial expertise by mastering corporate valuation for strategic decision-making. Gain a structured understanding of corporate governance and its principles and processes, encompassing key aspects such as risk management, compensation planning, and strategic direction.

For mid- to senior-level finance professionals and individual investors

Scenario Planning (Online): Learn How to Model, Predict and Prepare for the Future

Scenario Planning

In six weeks, discover how to build future business scenarios so your organization can respond with speed, agility, and confidence to any disruption. Learn to anticipate and adeptly respond to disruptions using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). Develop scenarios considering demographic shifts, regulatory challenges, and technological advances.

For mid- to senior level executives and advisors

Developing New Business Ventures

Developing New Business Ventures

In eight weeks, focus on the creation, evaluation, development, and launch readiness of your new business or social enterprise and leave fully equipped with the tools and frameworks required to create and launch your new startup.

For individuals or venture teams

Mastering Customer Insights

Mastering Customer Insights

In seven weeks, gain essential skills for customer-centric decision-making, which is crucial in today's diverse professional landscapes. Discover how to extract valuable customer insights, leverage consumer psychology, and utilize research for impactful marketing.

For mid- to senior-level executives, entrepreneurs, and market research professionals


Shiva Rajgopal | Roy Bernard Kester and T.W. Byrnes Professor of Accounting and Auditing at Columbia Business School Executive Education

Shiva Rajgopal

Roy Bernard Kester and T.W. Byrnes Professor of Accounting and Auditing

Joel Brockner Headshot

Joel Brockner

Phillip Hettleman Professor of Business

Sarah J. Brazaitis, Associate Professor of Practice and the MA Program Director in the Social Organizational Psychology Program at Teachers College, Columbia University, teaches executive education programs like the Leadership Essentials course.

Sarah J. Brazaitis

Professor of Practice, Teachers College, Columbia University

Jack McGourty, Adjunct Professor of Business, Management Division Director of Community and Global Entrepreneurship

Jack McGourty

Adjunct Professor of Business, Management Division
Director of Community and Global Entrepreneurship

Omar Besbes - Columbia Business School

Omar Besbes

Vikram S. Pandit Professor of Business

Mark N. Broadie - Columbia Business School

Mark N. Broadie

Carson Family Professor of Business

Charles Daniel Guetta - Columbia Business School Executive Education

Charles Daniel Guetta

Associate Professor of Professional Practice

Ciamac C Moallemi - William Von Mueffling Professor of Business

Ciamac C. Moallemi

William Von Mueffling Professor of Business

Pierre Yared

Pierre Yared

MUTB Professor of International Business
Vice Chairman of the President’s Council of Economic Advisers (CEA)

Daniel Wolfenzon, Nomura Professor of International Finance, is a faculty member of the advanced business valuation training program at Columbia Business School Executive Education.

Daniel Wolfenzon

Nomura Professor of International Finance

Mattan Griffel

Mattan Griffel

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Business
Decision, Risk, and Operations

Vicki G. Morwitz

Vicki G. Morwitz

Bruce Greenwald Professor of Business, Columbia Business School

Faculty Interviews

Interview with Charles Daniel Guetta, faculty co-director of the Business Analytics (Online): Create Value Through Data Analysis program

Business Analytics Skills Needed Now and in the Future

Business analytics has become more critical than ever especially as it’s been applied to a growing variety of functions such as operations, marketing, finance, and strategic planning. Charles Daniel Guetta, faculty co-director of the Business Analytics (Online): Create Value Through Data Analysis program, shares key insights into what data business analytics skills will be needed now and in the future.

Interview with Mark N. Broadie, faculty co-director of the Business Analytics Online Program

How Business Analytics Brings Your A-Game

Data analysis can be used to overcome business challenges, find the best decision, and create rewarding opportunities. Mark N. Broadie, faculty co-director of the Business Analytics (Online): Create Value Through Data Analysis program, shares key insights into the real-world solutions as well as the limitations business analytics can provide.

Interview with Omar Besbes, faculty co-director of the Business Analytics Program

How Business Analytics Challenges Intuition

Business analytics is the tool that helps you challenge your intuition and question the status quo. Omar Besbes, faculty co-director of the Business Analytics (Online): Create Value Through Data Analysis program, shares key insights into how business analytics provides a key competitive edge.

Interview with Ciamac C. Moallemi, faculty co-director of the Business Analytics Program

Understanding the Foreign Language of Business Analytics

For many workers, data literacy is like a foreign language. When you don’t speak the language, confusion and frustration take hold. Ciamac C. Moallemi, faculty co-director of the Business Analytics (Online): Create Value Through Data Analysis program, shares key insights into translating this business language.

Return on Learning

of senior executives feel better prepared to solve their business challenges after coming to Columbia Business School Executive Education.
percent of past participants said Columbia Business School Executive Education is pertinent to succeeding in today’s rapidly changing business climate.
of senior executives said that the faculty expertise of Columbia Business School Executive Education contributed to a unique learning experience.



What is the educational approach of your online programs?
You can expect a robust, multi-layered learning experience that emphasizes the development of the higher order thinking skills which were proposed by educational psychologist Dr. Benjamin Bloom in “Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning.” According to Bloom, the development of higher order thinking skills requires guiding the learner from just knowledge recall to comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation. Bloom’s Taxonomy was later revised and expressed in more action-orientated terms as 1) remembering, 2) understanding, 3) applying, 4) analyzing, 5) evaluating and 6) creating. In online learning at Columbia Business School Executive Education, you will have an opportunity to progress through these key phases of learning so that by the end each program, your return on learning will be clearly measurable.



How long do your online programs run for?
Our online programs range between 3 to 18 weeks in length.

Are your online programs synchronous or asynchronous?
Our online programs are mostly asynchronous, meaning that there is generally no live contact with faculty. Unless otherwise specified in the program description, all lectures are delivered through recorded media. Interactions between learners, facilitators, and faculty are conducted via discussion boards, email, and announcements, and all program material is posted on a course site.
Each online program is divided into time-sequenced modules with new modules released each week. This is to allow you to move through the course with a cohort of fellow learners to ask questions and share your learnings and experiences. We encourage you to take advantage of the opportunities you will have to connect with fellow learners in each particular online program.

Are assignments graded and if so, how?
An assignment is marked as either complete or incomplete based on whether or not it meets the assignment requirements. If an assignment is submitted without meeting the essential requirements, it will be marked as incomplete, however, you will be able to resubmit the assignment for further review.

Will there be any pre-program work?
No. There is no pre-program work in our online programs.


Learning Experience

Who will be my main point of contact?
Each online program is managed by a dedicated Online Facilitator who will be available to answer any questions, provide feedback, and send reminders as needed. Your Online Facilitator will contact you shortly before the program begins.

How will I access the program materials?
Each program has a dedicated course site to which you will have a login and password. The course site will contain all program materials — syllabus, video content, readings, and assignments.

Will I be able to interact with the faculty?
This varies from program to program. Questions raised in discussion boards and assignments will be curated by your Online Facilitator/Learning Coach. At a minimum, the faculty will post weekly or bi-weekly announcements addressing those themes. Some programs may feature periodic live online sessions to provide an opportunity to engage with the faculty live.

What is the role of the Online Facilitator/Learning Coach?
In online learning at Columbia Business School Executive Education, we emphasize facilitated cohort learning and development. Our online programs are guided by a dedicated Online Facilitator/Learning Coach who provides feedback on your learning to help you re-examine your assumptions in order to expand your understanding of the program’s concepts and achieve your learning objectives.

How will I interact with my cohort of online learners?
Connecting with other learners in an asynchronous online learning environment takes place through weekly discussion boards as well as peer or small group sessions.

What is the online student code of conduct?
Whether attending an online or in-person program, every participant at Columbia Business School Executive Education is expected to adhere to the student code of conduct which requires the following:

  • Respect the privacy of other students. Do not share or disclose personal or proprietary company information on public forums.
  • Respect the diversity of opinions and cultures that will be present in your program. The use of language that is harassing or denigrating will not be tolerated.
  • Your program login credentials are for your personal use only. Do not allow anyone else to access the course site using your login.
  • Do not reproduce content from any online program unless allowed by the copyright terms laid out by the course administrator.
  • Do not submit the work of others as your own work.
  • Violation of this code of conduct may result in disciplinary action including cancellation of program enrollment with no reimbursement of fees.

Learning Environment

How will I access the program materials?
Each program has a dedicated course site to which you will have a login and password. The course site will contain all program materials — syllabus, video content, readings, and assignments.

When will I receive access to the course site?
You will receive access to the course site generally within one to five business days of the course start date.

Can I access the course site on a mobile device?
Yes, the course sites are accessible on mobile devices via the course website log-in page at https://courseworks2.columbia.edu/ or via the Canvas app:

» Download Canvas app for Android
» Download Canvas app for iOS

To find Columbia Business School Executive Education on the Canvas app, you may need to type our URL in the "Find your school or district" box. The URL is courseworks2.columbia.edu.
Please note that there will be differences in how the course site is displayed in the app versus on desktop. We recommend that you experiment with accessing the course site on a mobile device and laptop or computer to see which works best for you.

How long will I have access to the course site after the program concludes?
You will have access to the course site for an additional three months after the program concludes.

Certification for Online Programs

Do your online programs provide any university credits?
No. All of our Executive Education programs, both online and in person, are non-degree courses and as such, do not provide accreditation or lead to an accredited diploma or a degree. Upon successful completion of the program, participants receive a certificate of participation.

Do online programs count towards earning the Certificate in Business Excellence (CIBE)?
Online programs provide credits towards the Certificate in Business Excellence (CIBE)*. Please visit the program page for the exact number of credits each online program earns toward this certificate.

*Except Professional Certificate in Corporate Finance (with edX), Alumni Edge programs, and TIME for Learning classes, which do not earn credits toward the Certificate in Business Excellence.


Who typically attends your online programs?
The executive cohort for each online program consists of a global audience at various stages of their careers, from mid- to senior-level leaders and managers with an average of 10-15 years of management experience. Participants come from a range of functional areas including general management, IT, finance/accounting, sales, operations, marketing, human resources, customer service, engineering, and strategy. The top 10 industries represented include financial services, energy/natural resources, retail, technology, education, consulting, manufacturing, consumer products, and non-profit industries.

How large are the online program cohorts?
We limit the enrollment levels of our online programs to ensure every participant receives consistent feedback from the Online Facilitators. This makes it possible for us to provide you with a level of attention and feedback not typical in other online programs.