Executive Development Program: Leading Into the Future

September 29–October 11, 2024
CIBE Credits
In-Person, Blended
Manhattanville Campus, NYC

May 12–23, 2025
CIBE Credits
In-Person, Blended
Manhattanville Campus, NYC
Suitable for executives with 10+ years of management or senior functional experience who are developing strategies shaping the future of their organization.
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Executive Development Program: Leading Into the Future

September 29–October 11, 2024
CIBE Credits
In-Person, Blended
Manhattanville Campus, NYC

May 12–23, 2025
CIBE Credits
In-Person, Blended
Manhattanville Campus, NYC


Program Structure

Program Content

Get the effective leadership tools, strategic thinking, and adaptable management skills needed in this ever-changing world. The Executive Development Program provides real-time, actionable tools on several key leadership topics — from leading high-performance teams to building agile organizations and learning the art of persuasion. You will explore complex issues such as self-awareness and learn skills to build a coalition of the willing and lead others into the future.

  • Coaching and Effective Leadership  
  • The Executive Challenge 
  • Immunity to Change  
  • Leadership as a Practice 
  • Negotiation and Persuasion  
  • Leading Diversity 
  • Leveraging Your Network 
  • Navigating Social Responsibility and the Socio-Political Environment  
  • Values-Based Leadership  
  • Leadership Jazz 

Executive Coaching Virtual Sessions 
Four 1-hour monthly virtual sessions

Our four 1-hour personalized leadership coaching sessions will give you the space and guidance to explore aspects of your life relevant to your leadership growth. Senior, highly experienced executive coaches are carefully selected to maximize leadership learning and ensure participants commit to applying their new knowledge and skills in their current roles and daily life.


Program Dates

Module Date
Core Module From September 29 to October 11, 2024
Coaching Sessions From September  to October 2024




Key Benefits

Participant Profile

Meet Your Faculty Directors

Stephan Meier, James P. Gorman Professor of Business at Columbia Business School, studies psychology and economics’ impact on consumer decision-making and business strategy.

Stephan Meier

James P. Gorman Professor of Business, Columbia Business School

Faculty Co-Director

Dan Wang

Lambert Family Professor of Social Enterprise, Columbia Business School

Faculty Co-Director

Stephan Meier shares his areas of expertise and what he hopes participants will gain from the Executive Development Program.

Dan Wang shares his expertise on social activisim, social networking in entrepreneurship, and the role of global migration of talent.


Vanessa Burbano | Sidney Taurel Associate Professor of Business | Columbia Business School Executive Education

Vanessa Burbano

Sidney Taurel Associate Professor of Business

Ashli Carter - Lecturer in the Discipline of Management in the Faculty of Business

Ashli Carter

Lecturer in the Discipline of Management in the Faculty of Business

Declan Fitzsimons | Visiting Academic Director | Columbia Business School Executive Education

Declan Fitzsimons

Visiting Academic Director

Adam Galinsky

Adam Galinsky

Paul Calello Professor of Leadership and Ethics, Columbia Business School

Charles Daniel Guetta - Columbia Business School Executive Education

Charles Daniel Guetta

Associate Professor of Professional Practice

Paul Ingram, Kravis Professor of Business at Columbia Business School, has consulted on issues of organizational design and strategy to leading companies in various industries, and is now the faculty co-director for The Strategic Leader Program

Paul Ingram

Kravis Professor of Business, Columbia Business School

Sheena S. Iyengar | S. T. Lee Professor of Business | Columbia Business School Executive Education

Sheena S. Iyengar

S.T. Lee Professor of Business

Jerry Kim | Columbia Business School Executive Education

Jerry Kim

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Business Management Division

Sandra Matz | David W. Zalaznick Associate Professor of Business | Columbia Business School Executive Education

Sandra Matz

David W. Zalaznick Associate Professor of Business

Valerie J Purdie-Greenaway | Affiliated Faculty Associate Professor of Psychology | Columbia Business School Executive Education

Valerie J Purdie-Greenaway

Affiliated Faculty Associate Professor of Psychology

Bernd Schmitt, Robert D. Calkins Professor of International Business at Columbia Business School Executive Education, specializes in branding, marketing, and management through his focus on the customer experience, innovation, and customer happiness.

Bernd Schmitt

Robert D. Calkins Professor of International Business

Bruce Usher is a Professor of Professional Practice and the Elizabeth B. Strickler '86 and Mark T. Gallogly '86 Faculty Director of the Tamer Center for Social Enterprise at Columbia Business School. He specializes in business and climate change.

Bruce Usher

Co-Director of the Tamer Center for Social Enterprise; Elizabeth B. Strickler '86 and Mark T. Gallogly '86 Faculty Director; Professor of Professional Practice

Pierre Yared

Pierre Yared

MUTB Professor of International Business
Vice Dean for Executive Education
Columbia Business School

Faculty Interviews

Co-faculty director of Executive Development Program: Leading Into the Future, Stephan Meier

What Leadership Skills Are Needed for the Future of Business?

How can leaders be ready for what's ahead – the future of the workforce, the future of finance, the future of technology? Co-faculty director of Executive Development Program: Leading Into the Future, Stephan Meier shares some key insights into what the future of business looks like and the leadership skills that will be needed to address the challenges ahead.

Co-faculty director of the Executive Development Program: Leading Into the Future

How to Develop the Effective Leadership Skills Needed for the Future?

Business is changing faster than ever. How can one effectively lead through all the changes, challenges, and opportunities that are coming? Co-faculty director of the Executive Development Program: Leading Into the Future, Dan Wang shares his key insights into the effective leadership skills needed for the future of business.

Declan Fitzsimons adjunct professor of leadership of the Executive Development Program: Leading Into the Future

The Future of Business Needs Effective Leaders

Leadership development rarely tackles the future as the future is uncertain. How can one lead effectively when changes, challenges, and opportunities have yet to be determined? Adjunct professor of the Executive Development Program: Leading Into the Future, Declan Fitzsimons shares his insights on the leadership skills needed to handle whatever the future may throw a business executive’s way.

Participant Interviews

Strategizing for the Future with Joseph Ho

Strategizing for the Future with Joseph Ho

A seasoned strategist in Southeast Asia, Joseph Ho wanted to stretch his perspectives beyond the usual groupthink. He wanted to expand his skills to more effectively lead his team and find new ways to problem solve for his clients. Joseph shares his insights into how the Executive Development Program prepares participants to strategize for the future.

Catalina Rivera: a Human Resources executive

Navigating the Future: HR Executive Insights

Catalina Rivera is a people person. A Human Resources executive, she has overseen talent in the United States, Mexico, and South America for small companies and large corporations. As the future of work is changing, she wanted to prepare for whatever is coming next. Catalina shares her insights into how the Executive Development Program prepares participants for the workforce of the future.

Abdullah Assadi

Insiders Perspective: How Executive Development Fuels Success

For 15+ years, Abdullah Assadi has worked in Human Resources and Business Development. He knows that leadership development is the key to transforming people and organizations. As a past participant of the program, Abdullah shares his insights into how the Executive Development Program helps executives gain the tools they need to adapt to the challenges of tomorrow and achieve their goals.



Will there be any homework or assignments?
For select programs, there will be some assignments to complete after the end of select program sessions. Assignments will typically consist of readings, self-reflections, and brief assessments. This approach is designed to help you practice your learnings.

How long will assignments take?
We do not expect that homework assignments will take up a large amount of time to complete. 

Will there be any examinations or grades?
There will be no examinations or grades for our live online programs.


When will I receive information on how to log in?
You will receive your login information immediately before the program start date. Kindly reach out to your Program Manager for further instructions on how to prepare and log in for the program.

What platform do you use to deliver live online programs?
We use the Zoom platform.


Will sessions be recorded?
Most live online sessions (depending on the faculty and program) will be recorded and will be available for you upon request. In-person programs are not recorded.

How long will they be available for?
Recordings will be available for the duration of the program. Depending on the program, some recordings may have additional availability post-program.

How do I gain access to the recordings?
Your Program Manager will provide you with further instructions on how to gain access to recorded sessions.


How do participants network during the live online programs? Will I participate in group work?
Our live online programs are fully virtual and highly interactive. Most programs also feature small group work for a high-touch learning experience. The virtual program experience allows participants to feel comfortable and productive learning at home while preserving the interconnectivity of an in-person program.

What are the networking opportunities during the live online sessions?
Yes. Examples of this may include: virtual lunches, virtual receptions, use of the chat function, and virtual office hours for you to connect with participants and faculty. Please refer to the agenda of the specific live online program you are interested in for details.

Preferred Pricing and Tuition Benefits for Alumni

Are there preferred pricing options available for live online programs?
Yes, preferred pricing is available for groups of two or more. To inquire, email execed@gsb.columbia.edu.

As a Columbia Business School alumni am I eligible for tuition benefit?

When you earn a Certificate in Business Excellence you will receive a 25 percent tuition benefit for full-price Executive Education in-person programs lasting three and four days and all full-price online programs. Exclusions apply**

Which programs do not qualify for a 25 percent tuition benefit?

  • Advanced Management Program
  • Chief Executive Officer
  • Chief Financial Officer
  • Chief Marketing Officer
  • Chief Investment Officer
  • Developing Black Leaders in Financial Services
  • Digital Business Leadership Program
  • Emerging Leader Development Program
  • Executive Development Program
  • Executive Program in Management
  • Finance and Accounting for the Nonfinancial Executive
  • Global Banking Program: Fintech, Digital, and Analytics
  • High Impact Leadership
  • Leadership Essential
  • Leading Strategic Growth and Change
  • Strategic Wealth Manager
  • Venture Capital Private Equity


I’m interested in the Certificate in Business Excellence (CIBE), how do I get started?
At Columbia Business School Executive Education, you’ll be able to customize a unique learning experience by selecting programs that best interest you and are most suited for your needs. Any completed program, regardless of format (live online, in-person, or online), will count towards the Certificate in Business Excellence. 

Which programs qualify for the CIBE? 
Any completed executive education program, regardless of format (live-online, in-person, or online), will count towards the Certificate in Business Excellence. Partner programs will also count towards the certificate.

What programs are considered partner programs? 
Executive education programs developed and administered with our educational partners, bring the best of our combined knowledge, thought leadership, resources, and expertise. Kindly find a list of our partners here on our partnership page.

What are the costs of the certificate? 
There’s no set cost associated with the certificate path since you’re able to customize your learning journey with in-person and online programs (price will vary depending on the program type and length).

Are there any tuition assistance or scholarships? 
At Columbia Business School Executive Education, we offer non-degree and non-credit-based professional development programs to the global business community. As our programs are non-degree and non-credit, they do not qualify for financial aid.

How are CIBE credits determined? 
Credits for a program are determined by the program duration and total learning hours. 

Where do I find information on the credit value for a program?
You will find this information on each program page. Credits range from 0.5 credits – 26 credits per program. 

How do I get enrolled in the CIBE? 
Your certificate journey will start with your first program, and you have 4 years to complete your CIBE. You may register for any of our executive education programs on each program page. You may enroll using the “Enroll Now” button, and the application process should take 5-10 minutes. 

How do I receive credits? 
You are required to fully attend a program and complete all necessary coursework in order to receive CIBE credits. Credits are only awarded after you complete a program. 

How do I check the status of my Certificate completion? 
Kindly reach out to a Learning Solutions representative for any questions on the status of your CIBE credit count. 

Do CIBE credits expire? 
Credits are only valid for four years (Please note: While we are not able to offer in-person programming due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the duration to complete the programming has been extended to five years.). If you have not completed your CIBE within four years, we will only count non-expired credits towards your CIBE credit total.

Does the Certificate in Business Excellence expire? 
Your Certificate in Business Excellence does not expire. Once you become a certificate recipient, you will join the greater alumni community at Columbia Business School. 

I’ve reached 18 CIBE credits, what’s next? 
Congratulations! You should receive a digital copy of your certificate at the end of your program. If you do not receive a copy from your program manager, kindly contact your Learning Solutions representative or your program manager for next steps. 

Will I receive a physical certificate? 
Upon completion, you will receive a secure, digital certificate through Accredible. Within the platform you will have the option to print your credential, post it to your LinkedIn feed, or display it on your profile as a certification. Please contact your program manager for the status of your digital certificate. 

How do I get access to my alumni benefits? 
Once you complete your CIBE, we kindly ask for your patience as we process your alumni credentials. The processing time can take anywhere from 8 to 10 weeks long. 

Can I add the Certificate in Business Excellence to LinkedIn? 
Yes! We will provide you with instructions on how to add your certificate to your LinkedIn profile after you become a Certificate recipient. 

How do I check the status of my certificate completion? 

Kindly reach out to a Learning Solutions representative for any questions on the status of your CIBE credit count.

I’ve reached 18 Certificate in Business Excellence credits, what’s next?

Congratulations! You’ve reached 18 CIBE credits. You should receive a digital copy of your certificate at the end of your program. If you do not receive a copy from your Program Manager, kindly contact your Learning Solutions representative or Program Manager for next steps.

Will I receive a physical Certificate? 

Upon completion, you will receive a secure, digital certificate through Accredible. Within the platform you will have the option to print your credential, post it to your LinkedIn feed, or display it on your profile as a certification. Please contact your program manager for the status of your digital certificate.

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